We will analyze in detail the quick connection of the purchased proxy, both at the system level for different operating systems, and for browsers with all the details and nuances.

In the previous article, we figured out what the proxy is the server and what they are. Today we’ll talk about the connection process. This process cannot be fully called installation, since we do not use additional software. Today we will analyze in detail the quick connection of the acquired proxy, both at the systemic level for different operating systems and for browsers with all the details and nuances.

  • The fastest and easiest way to connect proxies
  1. Download Proxy SwitchyOmega Extension
    Enter in the extension settings the data that we provide to you in the control panel.
  2. We save the profile and switch to it
  • Windows 8 and 10
  1. Open the Start menu and select the parameters section.
  2. After finding the “Network and the Internet” in which open “proxy”.
  3. Turn on the option "Activate the proxy manually."
  4. In the window that opens, enter your server data.
  5. To turn off, remove the activation checkplace.

In Windows 7 and earlier versions, the setting begins with the opening of the window by a combination of the Win + R keys, then everything is identical

  • Mac OS
  1. Open the Apple menu and find the "System Settings" section.
  2. Open the section "Network".
  3. Turn on the advanced information and open the “proxy” tab.
  4. Select the server you need and enter its data.
  5. Deactivation is carried out by removing the mark in the “proxy” tab.
  • Inclusion of proxy in Yandex Browser in 2 minutes
  1. Before connecting, you need to clean the cache. This is required so that sites can not track your activity using cookies.
  2. In the upper right corner of the browser, open the settings and turn on the expanded ones.
  3. In the section "Network", select the section "Change the proxy server settings."
  4. Choose the path of "connection".
  5. In the falling window, enter your proxy data and click “apply”.
  6. Here it is necessary to indicate that we want to use one proxy for all protoles.
  7. Deactivation occurs in paragraph 4.
  8. If you do not immediately indicate the user name and password, if the proxy provides for authorization, then they will be requested on each site.
  • Private Keeper

In order to use proxy in Private Keeper, you must:

  1. Select in the context menu about the link.
  2. Insert the API key that can be taken in the control panel
  3. Select the type of proxy for parsing
  4. Select the type of proxy for brut
  5. Click on the "Enable Proxy Update" button
  • Conclusion

Setting up for various OS or browsers fundamentally do not differ much. Due to the similarity in the instructions, not all platforms and browsers are provided. However, you should pay attention to all sections of each instruction, since each has nuances.